The Last Place Finisher - Girls On The Run

“Go becca, you got this… Go Maddy… woo!! Go Jesse!”  The constant whistles and cheers rise from the crowds lined up motivating these elementary girls of all shapes, sizes and colors.  The noise is more than heartwarming on this crisp November morning.  

I woke early to gather my equipment and drive the 50 minutes to Millersville University as many other volunteers did coming from all over the county.  Leaving in the dark and witnessing a vibrant sunrise of orange red and purple over the Lancaster country farmland. I resisted the urge to stop and take photos, but the beautiful sight promised good weather for the Girls On The Run 5k race.  

As I reached the city, the sun was just cresting the horizon and I couldn’t resist a quick flight to capture a moment of this quiet city in the early yellow light.  My drone rose above the row homes on W Chestnut Street and pointed toward the two skyscrapers in downtown, catching the light leaking out between them.

I’m the UAS (drone) pilot working with filmmaker Mark Till to try to capture the soul and magnitude of this amazing event that happens twice a year.  He roped me into helping years ago and of course I agreed because wherever Mark is, there is heart. Girls On The Run helps third to fifth grade girls realize their potential through a program of coaching, interactive lessons and weekly meetings leading up to today’s big event. 

So many parents, friends, coaches and encouraging partners have joined together to make this place sparkle with energy and the enthusiasm is contagious.  Some girls run fast, racing to the finish line, which I capture from the air. Cheers go up celebrating the accomplishment, hard work and good genes that make it look easy.  Hundreds more come in one after another, accompanied by race buddies some huffing and puffing... And as I gather my equipment I hear a few more cheers for the last place finisher as she comes down the final stretch.  A young girl walking with some level of frustration but nonetheless cheered on by caring adults who know how important it is to be there for this one. Yes, someone has to come in last in every race, but she isn’t a quitter and one has to admire that.  And one has to admire the ones who make a point of being there for those who struggle, who are frustrated and sometimes finding it hard to put one foot in front of another.  That girl has a story to tell, and I hope it’s one of determination.

I applaud the amazing people involved with this organization and count it a privilege to volunteer my time to make a small difference in the world!  I encourage you to do the same.

Montage of aerial footage from the fall 2019 Girls On the Run of Lancaster 5k race on the campus of Millersville University.