"Machines" an important film

I saw this film “Machines” back in 2017 when it was released and was blown away. Tonight I watched it again and wanted to share it here in case you haven’’t seen it.

This film is so unique, it is an experience. It takes time and consideration to watch and to appreciate its true beauty in visual storytelling. You’ll find yourself mesmerized at moments. Take the time to watch this, it will move you. Feel the stark reality that these workers face every day after ever day... Listen and watch and observe in the silence and the noise... hear the sounds of the factory... hear the stories, soak them in... You'll be a better human for watching this.

Earlier today I listened to a local podcast that discussed the importance of ethically sourced fashion. While I know very little about fashion or where my clothes from, as humans we should all do what we can to be aware of the impact that our choices could have. https://candyissweet.com/do-ers-006-an-ethical-approach-to-fashion-with-timbrel-chyatee/ Heres a link to the podcast called Do.ers and a shout out to Jason Mundok who I met briefly just last night, and who did an excellent job of interviewing Ms Chyatee about her Lancaster based fashion company.

Machines is a film that will surprise you. If you have amazon Prime, this is where you can find it to watch for free. https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B076B93ZRL